Monday, 8 August 2011

Healthy oral habits for a happier you - part 1

We recommend brushing at least two times a day: after breakfast and before bedtime. Commonly a tooth brush with soft bristles and a fluoridated tooth paste will be good enough for day to day use for a person with normal dentition without complaints of teeth sensitivity.
And it’s also equally important to brush using the right brushing technique covering all the surfaces of various teeth.
So it can be simply said as ‘Start and End your Day by Brushing Your Teeth’

Flossing Habits
Flossing is also a part of good oral hygiene habit. The Smile Expert-Dr. Muruganandam recommends you start flossing your teeth when they are touching each other (when there is no space between the teeth).
If you notice signs of decay (discoloration of the teeth, holes in the teeth, teeth fracturing when there is no history of trauma), contact The Smile Expert - Dr. Muruganandam immediately.
Professional cleaning
Visit your dentist once in every 3-6 months to undergo a professional cleaning of your mouth (scaling). However good your technique it’s a good practice to visit your dentist and have a thorough check up of your mouth for tartar or debris or swollen gums or any carious tooth and have it taken care of professionally at The Smile Expert.
Gum massage
Daily after brushing your teeth massage your gums using the tip of your index finger in a circular motion for few minutes. This helps in improving the blood circulation of the gums.

Nutritious food
Research has shown that plenty of fibrous food, fruits, and vegetables in your daily diet help in having healthier gums.
Avoid Tobacco  
Research has shown that tobacco usage in any form leads to weaker gums and stains (discoloration) in the teeth. It’s very essential to avoid tobacco to have good oral cavity.
Avoid smoking
Research has shown that Smoking can lead to many ill effects to the gums including oral cancer. It’s very important to discontinue smoking if you are a smoker to have a healthier, stain free mouth.
Don’t take a chance
If you take a chance with the health of your mouth by self treating yourself with medications and stuffs available at the local provisional shops (various powders are being sold in the form of relief from tooth and gum ache), chances are high that you may end up in big trouble. When you use powders available in local shops chances are high that you will be causing permanent damage to your tooth and gums that may cost you high later in the form of corrective measures.

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